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6.1 The Local Datasets

The local data sets LOCALANS, LOCALCNF, LOCALCTL, LOCALPRT, and COMBRESP are used to store information on each interviewing workstation's hard disk during interviews. The local data sets LOCALANS, LOCALCNF, LOCALCTL, LOCALPRT, have the same structures as ANSWERS, CONFID, CONTROL, and PROTECT, respectively.

During interviews, the respondent's answers are stored in the COMBRESP data set. After every tenth question, all data are then saved to LOCALANS, LOCALCNF, LOCALCTL, LOCALPRT. At the end of the interview all data are copied to the main data sets on the share server. If an interview is interrupted by a power failure or other cause, it may be possible to recover by uploading from the local data sets to the main project data sets on the share server.

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Ross Corkrey 2006-02-14