The outcome of an interview, such as whether it was completed, refused, and so on, is saved to a status code. The status of an interview is stored by means of status codes by inserting STAT types at appropriate points in the script. When a interview starts the status code is automatically set by GEIS to interview code PQ, for partly-completed questionnaire. From this point the script is responsible for setting the exit status code.
Enough STAT types should be included in the script to account for all possible outcomes. However, script development in the early stages may be simplified by omitting some common types.
If STAT types for any of the following status codes are omitted from the script a corresponding button appears in the respondent selection window: RT16, ET17, DT18, AM19, FM20, and OT21. If any of these buttons are pressed the interviewing system does not start and the associated status code is recorded instead.
The STAT types are best placed toward the end since they must not precede items that modify the answers. The compiler will check for misplaced STAT types.
The status codes are given in Table 13.
New codes can be added by amending the $statfmt. format in \GEIS\BIN\FORMATS.SAS, but some may not be modified. It is important that the codes shown in Table 4 (page ) are not deleted or modified.
Code | Meaning |
AB | Answering machine, business |
AH | Answering machine, household |
AI | Answering machine, household, no message left |
AM | Answering machine, general |
AN | Answering machine, household, message left |
AO | Answering machine, unknown if household |
BG | Business or Government |
BI | Business or Government, Institution |
BQ | Business or Government, Group quarters |
CB | Callback arranged |
CE | Callback, respondent eligible |
CQ | Completed questionnaire |
CU | Callback, eligibility unknown |
D3 | Refused by third party or household |
DF | Dropped, friendly |
DO | Dropped part-way |
DR | Dropped before starting |
DT | Disconnected tone |
DZ | Dropped, other reason |
ER | Error condition |
ET | Engaged tone |
FM | Fax machine |
IV | Interview in progress |
LR | Letter returned, address unknown |
NA | No attempt made to contact |
OS | Out of scope, Ineligible |
OT | Other reason for no contact |
PD | Phone difficulties |
PQ | Partly-completed |
RB | Respondent has call blocking |
RD | Respondent is dead |
RE | No eligible respondent |
RI | Respondent is incompetent |
RL | Respondent not English-speaker |
RM | Respondent has moved |
RS | Respondent is too sick to help |
RT | Ring tone |
RV | Respondent on vacation |
TO | Time out |
UA | Unable |
UL | Respondent un-locatable |
UN | No ring, strange noise |
US | No ring, silence |
WF | Call forwarding |
WH | Number changed, not a household |
WN | Number changed |
WP | Cellular phone |
A script usually begins by having the interviewer asking to speak with the eligible respondent. One possible response is that the respondent has moved away; this corresponds to a status code of RM. If the respondent is temporarily unavailable, an appointment could be made to call back; the appropriate status code is CB. Sometimes a survey is interrupted after starting; these cases retain their initial status code of PQ. When an interview is fully completed, the status code is CQ. If the interviewer attempts to terminate an interview when the status is still PQ, GEIS will display a dialogue box asking them to confirm they actually wish to exit.
If a partly-completed interview with a status code of PQis restarted GEIS will reload the previous data collected and display the item that was last asked. This allows the interview to recommence from the point left off.
If all questions have been asked and a STAT item has set the status to CQ, but the interviewer presses the BACK button to return to an earlier item and then changes an answer, GEIS will automatically reset the status to PQ (Partly-Completed). The PQ status code will persist until a STAT item becomes active again and changes it.