Next: 4 Installation
Up: GEIS Generalized Electronic Interviewing
Previous: 2 Obtaining GEIS
A demonstration script that may be run on a single PC accompanies GEIS.
You should run this demonstration before following
the installation instructions.
When GEIS is run in practice,
all the usual SAS windows are suppressed
so that only the GEIS program is visible.
However, in this demonstration
GEIS appears as a window running within SAS.
Although GEIS is not normally run this way,
it is an easy way to get the program running quickly.
It should also give you some idea of what to expect
when installing GEIS on a network.
Proceed as follows:
- Run SAS as you normally would.
- In SAS, open the file \GEIS\RUN_GEIS.SAS.
- Submit the file as you would any ordinary SAS program.
This can be done by entering ``submit'' in the
command line and pressing enter.
- The GEIS window will appear, but it may be hidden behind another window.
If it is hidden you will have to switch to the GEIS window.
To do this, click the menu option Window: Program Selection Window.
- Click the left pull-down button and select a name from the list.
- Click the right pull-down button and select GEIS demo.
- Click the Standalone button.
- Click the Pilot button.
- Click the down arrow and select ``Guest''.
The password is ``impute''.
Press Enter.
- Select a respondent.
- Complete the interview!
- At the end of the interview, close the window
and press F3 twice more to return the control panel.
- Click Quit to close the program.
For an extended tour of GEIS see page
This is especially recommended if you are new to GEIS.
Next: 4 Installation
Up: GEIS Generalized Electronic Interviewing
Previous: 2 Obtaining GEIS
Ross Corkrey