Next: 7.2 Single workstation overview
Up: 7 Running GEIS
Previous: 7 Running GEIS
The project selection window (Figure 6)
is used to configure and run projects.
There are two buttons used to run projects:
- When the Standalone button is pressed
the DATACATI libname is assigned
to point to the network directory.
This button is used to run GEIS when access to the data sets
is only required by one person.
This is the normal situation during
project development.
- When the Share Mode button is pressed
the DATACATI libname is assigned
to point to the share server directory.
This button is used when it is necessary to
access the data sets while others
may be simultaneously using them.
It is typically used when monitoring
the progress of interviewers.
Figure 6:
Project Selection Window
Next: 7.2 Single workstation overview
Up: 7 Running GEIS
Previous: 7 Running GEIS
Ross Corkrey