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11.3 IVR Call Scheduling

Since the IVR system handles all calls it needs a means of selecting the optimal time to schedule them. GEIS selects each number to ring using a priority system as described below.

  1. Any callbacks that are due or overdue are called first.

  2. If there are no callbacks, any cases previously identified as answering machines are examined next. Cases are rung if sufficient time has passed since the previous attempt. By default, the delay between successive attempts alternates between thirty minutes and 8 hours.

  3. If there are no answering machines, then previously attempted but unanswered numbers are rung if sufficient time has passed since the previous attempt. By default, the delay between successive attempts alternates between thirty minutes and 8 hours and thirty minutes.

  4. If there are no non-contacted numbers, non-attempted numbers are attempted.

  5. If no numbers can be found, GEIS sleeps for several minutes.

Calls are only made within prescribed hours and days. The call scheduling periods can be adjusted from the Control Panel. Click Develop, Utility functions, and then Call scheduling. This can be done from any networked computer.

In addition to automatic scheduling, blocks of numbers may be manually prevented or selected to ring using the SELECTED variable in the CONTROL data set. This can be done from any networked computer.

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Ross Corkrey 2006-02-14