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4.6 Project creation

  1. Create the project directory: X:\GEIS\PROJECTS\MYCATI\.
  2. At minimum a project directory must contain a CONFID data set. Copy the example files from the directory from C:\GEIS\DOC\GEISDEMO to X:\GEIS\PROJECTS\MYCATI\. To do this, see the SAS program in Figure 2.

  3. Copy GEISAUTO.SAS and GEISCFG.SAS from C:\GEIS\ETC\INIT\NETWORK\ to X:\GEIS\PROJECTS\MYCATI\. Edit both files to match local needs. The GEISCFG.SAS will almost certainly need some alteration. Open the file in a text editor and delete any lines below the line: ``STANDARD CONFIG BELOW'' to the line marked ``END STANDARD CONFIG''. Insert the contents of the local site's standard SAS CONFIG.SAS file in this space.
  4. It is essential that the line beginning with ``-INITCMD'' appears last in the file.
  5. Create a shortcut to GEIS in the project directory with the command line ``sas.exe -config X:\GEIS\PROJECTS\MYCATI\GEISCFG.SAS''.
  6. Run GEIS by double-clicking the short-cut.
  7. Enter a short name for the project in the Project name field.
  8. Enter ``X:\GEIS\BIN\'' in the GEIS location field.
  9. Enter ``X:\GEIS\BIN\'' in System formats.
  10. Enter ``X:\GEIS\PROJECTS\MYCATI\'' in the Network directory field.
  11. Save the project details by clicking menu option File: Save.

  12. To run the project click the Standalone button.
  13. To run the project at any time in the future, double click the shortcut, select the project by pressing the down arrow next to the Project name field, and press the Standalone button.

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Ross Corkrey 2006-02-14