Next: 8 GEIS Scripts
Up: 7 Running GEIS
Previous: 7.2 Single workstation overview
The following assumes you have set up the workstations
as described in Section 4.8
and have run a share server that
can access the data sets.
- Run the shortcut on the interviewing station to start GEIS.
- A window opens that is used by interviewers to log into GEIS.
- Click the down arrow and select ``Guest''.
In the password field enter ``impute''.
Press the Enter
key, then Start.
- Select a respondent from the pull-down list
and click the Start button.
- The interviewing window appears.
Experiment with the interface.
- When the interview is finished, select menu option Stop.
- After returning to the respondent selection screen,
select menu option Exit.
- Select menu option Exit to exit the interviewing system.
Next: 8 GEIS Scripts
Up: 7 Running GEIS
Previous: 7.2 Single workstation overview
Ross Corkrey