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7.3 Multiple workstation overview

The following assumes you have set up the workstations as described in Section 4.8 and have run a share server that can access the data sets.

  1. Run the shortcut on the interviewing station to start GEIS.
  2. A window opens that is used by interviewers to log into GEIS.
  3. Click the down arrow and select ``Guest''. In the password field enter ``impute''. Press the Enter $(\hookleftarrow)$ key, then Start.
  4. Select a respondent from the pull-down list and click the Start button.
  5. The interviewing window appears. Experiment with the interface.
  6. When the interview is finished, select menu option Stop.
  7. After returning to the respondent selection screen, select menu option Exit.
  8. Select menu option Exit to exit the interviewing system.

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Ross Corkrey 2006-02-14