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4.8 Interviewing workstation set up
Before a workstation can be used GEIS must be
installed to its local hard drive.
This only needs to be done once.
The steps are:
- Create a directory D:\GEIS\BIN\for GEIS on
each workstation.
- Copy the GEIS files
from C:\GEIS\BIN\to D:\GEIS\BIN\
as shown in Figure 2.
Once a project is ready for the survey to commence
the workstations should be set up.
This is done once for each project:
- Create a directory D:\GEIS\PROJECTS\MYCATI\
on each workstation for the project.
GEISCFG.SAS files for workstations
from \GEIS\ETC\WORKSTATION\ to the project directory \GEIS\PROJECTS\MYCATI\.
Edit the files as needed.
- Create a shortcut to GEIS on the
workstation desk top.
Use a command line similar to: