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4.2 Data set locations

During survey development GEIS is run from a network server. Once development is complete, all the project files are copied to a share server. These project files are then used to conduct the survey. Interviewing is conducted from workstations that access the data sets located on the share server. Once the survey is complete, the survey data sets may be copied to a another location for analysis.

I assume a MS Windows environment and a LAN environment. In order to simplify the installation instructions I use the following conventions: the network server is drive X: the share server hard drive is S:, the workstation hard drive is D:, and the uncompressed GEIS files are on drive C:. The reader will have to make appropriate adjustments to instructions in this manual to meet local needs. Also, it is assume that the survey project's directories are kept in a directory called ``MYCATI''. In practice there will be many projects.

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Ross Corkrey 2006-02-14